
Household help and jobs

What are you searching for at Domelia?
A reliable help for everyone
I need help
I'm looking for a household helping hand
Earn money and gain new experience
I want extra income
I'm looking for household jobs
Magyar Deutsch
A reliable help for everyone

A reliable help for everyone

Finally, a place where you can find the right helping hand in household
7 helpers are currently ready to provide a service in a household.
Babysitting - List of Babysitting adverts - Show all babysitters 2. Housekeeping - household helpers Tutoring - List of Tutoring adverts and all tutors Senior and Disabled care - List of Senior or Disabled care ads - Show all senior or disabled caregivers Handyman - all handymen and all handyman adverts Health and Beauty - List of Health and Beauty job ads

A new way to turn your obligations

If you're too busy to clean up your household or you need a babysitter for your kids, a senior caregiver for your grandparents, to take out your dog, to teach a school subject or a foreign language, to fix something at home or to change your looks or relax a bit, well then, at Domelia you will find a ton of great helpers waiting until you pick one of them.

What does Domelia offer you?

More than just access to our community.
Simply the largest variety of household helpers

Simply the largest variety of household helpers

Each household is specific and also has specific requirements for choosing helpers. Our mission is to provide households a fast, simple, and secure access to information about selecting helpers and vice versa.
Helpers' quality

Helpers' quality

If you do not want to buy a pig in a poke, watch the helper ratings. On our site every household who has communicated with a helper has the opportunity to rate his approach. This gives you a better idea of whether or not the helper suits your job offer.
The feeling that you always have someone to turn to

Confidentiality and the feeling that you always have someone to turn to

We want to ensure that everyone finds a helping hand whenever and wherever it is needed. You currently have 7 helpers available which will provide you with sufficient alternatives for any unexpected situation.

It costs not more than a ticket to the movies

Just choose
FREE membership
0,00Ft / unlimited
Balloons - Free membership
Free membership includes:
  • Unlimited publishing of job ads
  • Unlimited viewing of helpers' profiles
  • Notifications about suitable helpers' profiles
  • Notifications about received messages from helpers or about reactions to an advert
FREE Registration
PREMIUM membership
from 0,00Ft / month *
* A monthly price of a 1-year membership. Prices include VAT.
PAID membership
Become a paying member and in addition to your FREE membership you will get:
  • Unlimited contacting of helpers
  • Possibility to rate a helper
Membership duration:
FREE Registration

Does it seem expensive?

Ask your employer to give you Domelia as a new type of Benefit ›.

How to start?

Finding help has never been easier
1. Register and post a job ad

1. Register and post a job ad

You get an unlimited access to communicate with helpers and the opportunity to post your job ads.
2. Choose a helper

2. Choose a helper

Filtering helpers' profiles helps you find the ideal person exactly according to your requirements and you picture.
3. Communicate - Family

3. Communicate

Become a member and enjoy an easy and clear communication with helpers through our communication tool.

What do they say about us?

Hello. I contacted more helpers - and within few days they wrote back, but they already had a full schedule. So I posted an advert and within 24 hours I got three responses and some more during the following days. So I am really happy because I found what I was looking for. It is important to be active and not just to wait.
What do they say about us? - Reviewe
Martina M.
I have great experience with Domelia, with the lady who takes care of my little one so that she doesn't have to attend the nursery or with the cleaning lady when I need help with tidying up from time to time :), and in my opinion it is good, if a person who is looking for something, pays for the membership, at least you know that he or she is seriously interesed in the services.
What do they say about us? - Reviewe
Andrea V.
Domelia helped me solve the problem how to cover one week of the spring break for my two preschool kids in an interesting way - because I didn't find a suitable children camp. Thanks to Domelia I found a nice lady who thought of an interesting programme for my kids every day. They spent time at the nearby playground, at the lady's house where they could play with the toys after her already grown-up children, and she even did a whole-day trip with them by the trolley bus to the city park which was a great experience for my kids. My children felt happy with her and it was a nice change for them, too. At the same time with two kids it was a cheaper option than paying membership in a day children's camp.
What do they say about us? - Reviewe
Daniela B.

Do not hesitate, join us and find yourself a helping hand

Under Slovak Act No. 18/2018 Coll. / Czech Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, I hereby voluntarily consent to the administration, processing, and storage of my data by Snov, s.r.o. via the site www.domelia.hu on the Internet. I affirm that all of the provided information are true and accurate, and I voluntarily consent that the information I have filled in and submitted to you when using the website www.domelia.hu be made available or disclosed from the date of such consent to the registered helpers and companies verified by the operator of the website www.domelia.hu. Such data may be processed exclusively for the purposes of seeking a suitable person for household help (creating a job advert, sending matching profiles of helpers via email, evaluating the work of helpers, recommending a benefit programme, communicating with helpers, companies, or with our company, administering my registered account) on the website specified above. The disclosure/availability of a job advert may be terminated or renewed at any time. The data contained in the database of job adverts shall be rendered permanently anonymous and shall only be used for statistical purposes after a period of 3 years has passed since the last login to my registered account at www.domelia.hu. I accept that Snov, s.r.o. is not liable for any direct or indirect damages caused by disclosing or making such information available to registered helpers and companies under the General Terms and Conditions of Snov, s.r.o. Personal data may also be provided to third parties for the purposes of IT services conducted on the website specified above. No cross-border transmission to third countries of any kind will occur under any circumstances during the processing of this personal data.This consent is revocable at any time. Please send your request to the e-mail address: [email protected] (Slovak Republic) / [email protected] (Czech Republic) or to the address of our registered office: Snov, s.r.o. Hviezdoslavov 889/5, 930 41 Hviezdoslavov, Slovakia. Snov, s.r.o. also announces that it has commissioned Profesia, spol. s r.o., ID 35800861, registered at Pribinova 19, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic in processing personal data of job seekers for technical support purposes of www.domelia.hu.
A reliable help for everyone

Earn money and gain new experience

Become a member of our community and get the opportunity to present your services.
Helpers are currently needed in 0 households or companies.
Babysitting Housekeeping Tutoring Senior and Disabled care Handyman Health and Beauty

One place, endless possibilities

Do you know how to help with cleaning, babysitting, senior caregiving or tutoring in common households? Do you know how to fix tasks as a handyman or to help others with your health and beauty skills? Well then, do not waste your time, sign up and get your knowledge, skills and experience paid.

What do you get?

Real customers interested in your service
Get a representative promotion page

Place for presentation

For each type of help you offer, you can create your own profile. Based on the information you fill in your profile, we match your profile only to households or companies that exactly meet your requirements.
Rating system

Rating system

Build yourself a good reputation. Ask a household or a company to rate your work. The higher the rank you get, the more chances you have that other households or companies will choose you.
A perfect communication tool

A perfect communication tool

Simple and transparent way of communicating without any hassle. An unlimited history will provide you with access to conversations no matter when they took place.

Everything is free of charge

Or become a premium. Costs less than a coffee.
FREE membership
0,00Ft / unlimited
Balloons - Free membership
Free membership includes:
  • Possibility to apply to job ads
  • Unlimited contacting of households and companies
  • Unlimited publishing of profiles
  • Notifications of suitable job ads
  • Notifications about received messages from households or companies
  • Possibility to request a job rating
  • Possibility to earn a professional badge
FREE Registration
PREMIUM membership
from 0,00Ft / month *
* A monthly price of a 1-year membership. Prices include VAT.
PAID membership
As a premium member, in addition to your free membership, you will get:
  • Listing your profiles at the top of profile listings
Membership duration:
FREE Registration

How to start?

Searching for a job to earn extra money was never easier
1. Register and post a job ad

1. Register

By registering to our Domelia community you get the chance to join people who want to help each other.
2. Choose a helper

2. Create a profile for the service

Create a profile for each service you want to provide. The information in the profile will introduce you to households and companies.
3. Communicate - Family

3. Get a job

In order to get a job you can participate actively - by responding to job ads, or passively - waiting for offers from households and companies.

What do they say about us?

I have found a great family through this site where I have been babysitting three little children for almost a year and a great family in which I teach one boy :). Since I'm busy I do not babysit anymore but I still keep in touch with the family :). I recommend this site to anyone who wants to earn some extra money, who wants to meet new people or to gain new experiences :).
Zuzka Z.
19 years, Bratislava
Thanks to Domelia, I had great families where I cleaned and also babysat children. I'm still in touch with one of the mothers till today, even though I'm not working for her anymore. It's a pitty I haven't heard about this site earlier. I can only highly recommend it. ;)
Kristína M.
45 years, Malacky
Just download the app, sign up, and the job offers will appear by themselves. I've been using it for a year and through Domelia I've always found a temporary job as a cleaner.
Martina H.
32 years, Trnava

Do not hesitate, join us and start earning extra money

Under Slovak Act No. 18/2018 Coll. / Czech Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, I hereby voluntarily consent to the administration, processing, and storage of my data by Snov, s.r.o. via the site www.domelia.hu on the Internet. I affirm that all of the provided information are true and accurate, and I voluntarily consent that the information I have filled in and submitted to you when using the website www.domelia.hu be made available or disclosed from the date of such consent to the registered helpers and companies verified by the operator of the website www.domelia.hu. Such data may be processed exclusively for the purposes of seeking a suitable person for household help (creating a job advert, sending matching profiles of helpers via email, evaluating the work of helpers, recommending a benefit programme, communicating with helpers, companies, or with our company, administering my registered account) on the website specified above. The disclosure/availability of a job advert may be terminated or renewed at any time. The data contained in the database of job adverts shall be rendered permanently anonymous and shall only be used for statistical purposes after a period of 3 years has passed since the last login to my registered account at www.domelia.hu. I accept that Snov, s.r.o. is not liable for any direct or indirect damages caused by disclosing or making such information available to registered helpers and companies under the General Terms and Conditions of Snov, s.r.o. Personal data may also be provided to third parties for the purposes of IT services conducted on the website specified above. No cross-border transmission to third countries of any kind will occur under any circumstances during the processing of this personal data.This consent is revocable at any time. Please send your request to the e-mail address: [email protected] (Slovak Republic) / [email protected] (Czech Republic) or to the address of our registered office: Snov, s.r.o. Hviezdoslavov 889/5, 930 41 Hviezdoslavov, Slovakia. Snov, s.r.o. also announces that it has commissioned Profesia, spol. s r.o., ID 35800861, registered at Pribinova 19, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic in processing personal data of job seekers for technical support purposes of www.domelia.hu.

Discover new opportunities for your business

Want to reach to new clients? Or rather employees?
At Domelia website you will get both in one beneficial membership!
Register your company
More details
For more information please contact us
[email protected]

Domelia has already been used by 30737 households and currently there are 7 active helpers.

Thousands of people use Domelia.hu website to find different types of household help or the possibility to earn some extra money.
Try a unique opportunity to introduce your company to thousands of people in one place.

What will give you a company membership?

New opportunities for developing your business
Get a representative company promotion page

Get a representative promotion page

The company's profile will do the same job as a costly website. It can be edited out of your mobile and after you have finished your business, you can remove the profile easily.

Profiles and ads are being offered within our online marketing campaigns and they are optimised for search engines, so that clients can find you easily.

Evaluations of happy clients increase the credibility of your company and they prove your company to be a reliable supplier and also employer.

What does guarantee a company membership

What does guarantee a company membership

You will get a business account through which you will be able to communicate with both sides of the community – households and also helpers.

We will Inform you about all households that are looking out services from your offer and about helpers who can work with you.

You can post an unlimited number of ads and to increase your comfort you can use the possibility of a repeated payment for your membership.

You pay only if you want

Just choose
FREE membership
0,00Ft / unlimited
Balloons - Free membership
Free membership includes:
  • Unlimited publishing of job ads
  • Unlimited viewing of profilov
  • Profile of your company in profile list
  • Notifications about suitable profiles
  • Notifications about suitable job adverts
  • Notifications about reactions to an advert, profile
  • Notifications about received messages
FREE Registration
PAID membership
from 12530,01Ft / month *
* The price is valid for a 12-month membership. Prices are without VAT.
PAID membership
Become a paying member and in addition to your FREE membership you will get:
  • Unlimited contacting of households
  • Unlimited contacting of helpers
  • Possibility to rate the work done by helpers
Membership duration:
FREE Registration

How to start?

Searching for employees or customers was never easier
How to start? - Join the members

Join the Domelia members

Register your company and become a member of the community of people who help each other. Pay for a company membership and get access to all of the mentioned opportunities.
2. Promote everything you offer - Post your company's professional profile

Promote everything you offer

Post your company's professional profile or job ad and we'll show it to everyone who is looking for your services or your job offer.
3. Communicate - Company

Grab a business opportunity

Respond to messages, apply to job ads, be a professional in your area and receive plenty of positive references that will promote your business inexpensively.

Do not hesitate to join us and find your employee or customer today

I agree to the General Terms and Conditions and rules of using the www.domelia.hu site.